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They can happily give you no-obligation advice and all the information you’ll ever need to know about your new city. However, if you are lucky enough to be considering a move here, we recommend reading our article about moving to LGBT Seattle or getting in touch with a local gay realtor. Burlesque, poetry slams, camp drag shows, kink night, and the Inferno women & the Trans* party series are just some of our top picks.īuzzing, eclectic and wonderfully queer, Gay Seattle is waiting for you with open arms…Īre you relocating? This guide will help travelers discover the queerer side of the city. Queer spirit is still strong here, as testament by the broad lineup of annual LGBT events including the Seattle Boylesque Festival and Seattle Pride, headlined by PrideFest at the Seattle Centre where 50,000 people turned up to see over 100 performers appeal across five stages.Įven if you are not able to visit for these flagship events, there is all but guaranteed to be something every night of the week to pique your interest. Not only are there more gay clubs, bars, and bathhouses here than you could possibly visit in one trip – but there are rainbow flags proudly flown across the city to remind you that the entire city is a sanctuary for self-expression and that you are welcome absolutely everywhere you go.

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When it comes to the local gay scene, well where do we even start.

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