Here, the obsessions are about the possibility of being of a sexual orientation that is not what they have always believed, and they perform hidden mental compulsions to try to counteract their unwanted thoughts. Homosexuality OCD is a form of Purely Obsessional OCD in which sufferers constantly question their sexuality. What if I’m gay? Has that question ever popped into your head? Did you ever start questioning your sexuality and then felt like you were turning gay? Did you start analyzing the way you carried yourself, your past attractions to the opposite sex, and start wondering if you’re living a life full of lies? Did you start having unwanted and intrusive sexual thoughts about your What if I’m gay? Has that question ever popped into your head? Did you ever start questioning your sexuality and then felt like you were turning gay? Did you start analyzing the way you carried yourself, your past attractions to the opposite sex, and start wondering if you’re living a life full of lies? Did you start having unwanted and intrusive sexual thoughts about your friends, random strangers, and even your family members? Well, that right there is what we call, Homosexuality OCD.